A 10-Minute Workout for When You Want to Skip the Gym
Do you ever have those days where you know you should go to the gym, even if it’s for half an hour, but your body has the urge to stay home instead? We all do! Don’t be too hard on yourself. Instead, try this quick workout that will help you feel as if you had just completed a full gym session. This workout lasts about 10 minutes and you can do it from the comfort of your home!

Exercise #1: Squats
Maintaining a wide stance, place your feet facing forward, steadily within two feet from each other. Then, without leaning forward, slowly bend your knees while keeping your torso erect. Now, slowly return to your starting position while keeping your torso and back erect.
Repeat motion 20 times as desired for one set. Do a total of eight sets, taking a 10-second break between each set.

Exercise #2: Mountain Climbers
Set up in a pushup position, with your hands stacked directly below your shoulders, elbows turned out, and feet just wider than hip-width apart. Your shoulders should be higher than your hips. Then, squeeze your shoulders, core, and glutes to create full-body tension. Look down at the floor, keeping your head in a neutral position. Now, drive one knee up to your chest, as if you were running. Return your leg to a straight position. Repeat with the other leg.
Repeat motion 20 times as desired for one set. Do a total of eight sets, taking a 10-second break between each set.
Doing these two simple exercises will not only give you a sense of accomplishment, but they can also help increase your energy for the day, all without having to step foot in the gym.
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To your Balanced health,
Your friends at The Balanced Company