Transition to a Spring Wardrobe
March weather in Canada is unpredictable. Will you wake up to a rainstorm or a snowstorm? A warm spring breeze or flurries? Who knows! But one thing is for certain – it’s time to break out your fav spring pieces! Not sure what to wear when the temperature fluctuates throughout the day? Check out our tips on how you can transition into your spring wardrobe.
Layers are Your BFF
Figuring out what to wear when it’s still winter-like in the morning, but feels like spring in the afternoon is hard! Our solution? Layers of course! Try adding a light sweater or cardigan to your outfit, or a button-down shirt or leggings under a dress. And you can always finish off any outfit with a scarf. The great thing about scarves and most layers, is that it’s super easy to take one off if you need to.
Up Your Shoe Game
Just because the weather is warming up, doesn’t mean you have to put away all your boots! Keep them in rotation – just mix up the outfits that go with them. Try wearing ankle booties with cropped pants or denim; or try wearing your over-the-knee boots with a short spring dress. Throw on a denim jacket to complete the look and you’re ready to go!
Pop of Colour
A sure-fire way to put a bit of spring in your outfit, is by adding a pop of spring’s hottest colours! Try adding a green accessory to your outfit, or a tangerine cardigan. And don’t forget your purse! A fun and easy way to add spring colours to your outfit is by changing up your standard black or neutral bag for a bubble gum pink or magenta one. Bright pops of colour are sure to brighten your outfit – and your mood – instantly!
Make the Most of Your Coat
When the forecasts call for above zero temperatures, we get excited to put our winter parkas away for the season. Then it’s time to pull out the outerwear that screams of warmer weather to come – your leather jacket, trench coat, and jean jacket – and get them ready to shine. These can help you transition into spring by using them as a layer under another coat, or on their own once the weather justifies it.
Hopefully our tips will help you easily transition your wardrobe so you can embrace spring fashion! Looking forward to warmer days to come!
To your Balanced health,
Your friends at The Balanced Company