How to Properly Warm Up and Cool Down
Before getting down to the nitty-gritty of your workout routine, there’s no doubt of how important it is to warm up beforehand and to cool down afterwards. In fact, it’s just as important as the actual workout!
A warm up will allow your body to prepare for a workout or running session and can prevent having an injury. It will benefit you and your body in the long haul, so here are some tips on how to properly warm up and cool down:
Warm Up
Start warming up your body by jogging and star jumps to elevate your heart rate. A good warm up will help dilate the blood vessels ensuring that your muscles are well supplied with oxygen. It will also help raise your body and muscle temperature for increased flexibility and efficiency.
Mobility Drills
Continue warming up your body by skipping rope and doing high knees and sidestep drills. You will be getting a full range of motion to reduce the risk of injury.
Increased Heart Rate
Get back to jogging for a minute or two and slowly but gradually increase your speed to around your training or race speed.
Cool Down
Once you’ve completed your overall workout, walk for five to ten minutes to slowly start bringing your heart rate down to resting. You’ll also be keeping your muscles moving so they don’t seize up.
Start stretching your body. We recommend you focus on the key muscle groups such as your quads, hamstrings and calves. Stretch each one for around 30 seconds and repeat this for two or three more times.
TIP: ALWAYS listen to your body. If there’s something that’s just not feeling right, make sure to get it checked it out!
To your Balanced health,
Your friends from The Balanced Company