Tips for Exercising at Home with Young Kids
Exercise is so important for our health and wellness, but if you’re a parent of young children, it can be hard to find the time (and the space) to make it happen. To help you build in some physical activity to your already jam-packed daily or weekly schedule, we’re bringing you four tips for exercising at home with (or without) kids in tow!
Workout While They Kids Sleep
A morning workout (while the kids are hopefully still asleep) is the most ideal way to exercise at home because people who workout in the morning are more likely to exercise consistently compared to those who exercise later in the day. But if you’re not a morning person, don’t stress! It’s better to workout in the afternoon or evening than not at all. So if you aren’t able to get up at the crack of dawn to get your sweat session in before the kiddos wake up, we suggest fitting in a workout while they kids take a nap or are tucked in bed for the night.
Co-Parenting Workout Schedule
If working out isn’t possible while your kids are asleep because you’re busy doing a million other things on your to-do list or you’re getting some much-deserved R&R, we’ve got another suggestion for you! If you have a partner at home with you at night or on the weekends, consider creating a co-parenting workout schedule so they can spend quality time with the kids, while you get your workout on, and vice versa. This means that both you and your partner will dedicate time and energy to improving your own personal health and wellness and also carve out some special one-on-one time with your kids. Getting into this routine as a team will leave you both feeling better about yourselves, your relationship with your children and your relationship with each other.
Set a Workout Routine Schedule
Setting a workout routine schedule for yourself in advance, with the time and date of your workout and what type of workout you plan to do, will help you avoid potential distractions or delays. Planning ahead of time is definitely recommended.
Make it a Family Affair
If you just can’t fit in a workout by yourself, then make it a family affair and get the kids involved too! Not only will they have fun getting active, but they’ll love spending this time with you. You can do squats together, practice yoga or simply walk around the neighbourhood to get some fresh air. If you have little ones, load them up in a stroller and go for a jog. Another way to boost your heart rate (and boost your mood) is to have a family dance party! Play some upbeat music and dance around with your family. If you have a toddler who can’t quite walk yet, even better. Hold them while you dance for extra resistance -- you’ll definitely break a sweat after a few songs and you’ll have accomplished both cardio and strength training all in one exercise - GO YOU!
So remember, set your fitness goals, brainstorm a plan on how to reach them and go for it! It’s not always going to be easy, but that feeling of accomplishment will make it worth it.
To your Balanced health,
Your friends at The Balanced Company