How to Get Motivated to Exercise
If you have absolutely no desire to exercise, you’re not alone… It can be difficult to find the time and energy to workout, but if you want to build in sweat sessions to your daily or weekly routine, we’ve got just the tips to help get you motivated!

Set Goals
It’s important to set goals that you can work towards, but don’t get too carried away. Start small with attainable goals and build off of each accomplishment!
Flip Your Mindset
Instead of constantly thinking or saying: “I HAVE to workout…” Change your outlook to: “I GET to workout.” Making that one tiny change in your vocabulary will make a huge difference.
Give Yourself Grace
Allow yourself to be flexible with your workout routine. While it’s great to push yourself to your full potential, don’t stress if you aren’t always able to accomplish what you had planned. Get rid of the guilt and focus on what you DID achieve rather than where you might have fallen short.

Workout with Friends & Family
Not only are they great accountability partners, but friends and family can also help make exercising more enjoyable! Whether it’s a morning spin class, an afternoon walk or post-work gym session, having a close friend or family member join in your workout will make it feel less like a chore and more like a fun hangout.
Stick to What You Enjoy
Don’t force yourself to do exercises you don’t enjoy. Instead, make a list of activities you DO enjoy (ie. playing sports, doing yoga, dancing, hiking, etc.). If your workouts consist of things you actually look forward to doing, you won’t find excuses to push them off.
List Out The Positives
Make a list of all the amazing benefits of working out. For example, exercising improves your mental and physical health, boosts your energy, helps you to de-stress, and allows you to spend some quality time alone or with others. When you find yourself coming up with a million reasons why you shouldn’t exercise, refer back to your list of all the benefits and let that lead you into your next workout!
We hope these tips help motivate you to get moving. It can be a struggle to get started, but it always feels SO GOOD once it’s done (yet another reason to fit that workout in 😉)!
To your Balanced health,
Your friends at The Balanced Company