Our Favourite Ways to Stay Active This Fall
We understand that being active and getting a good amount of exercise is not always on the top of our to-do-lists, especially during the fall when we’re busy getting back into our routines after the summer season. Below are a few ideas to help you maintain your activity levels this fall – we hope you give them a try!

Nature walks with your family.
An easy way to stay active this fall and get your family involved is to take nature walks. Pick a time where everyone is available and gather at a local park or trail. Set a realistic goal of how far you want to go and how long you want to walk. If you have little ones, you can even prepare a scavenger hunt to keep them busy along the way!
Have a yard clean-up day.
We all know that during fall, our yards tend to get especially messy (after all, it is the time of year when leaves are changing). Setting aside time to get this chore done will not only allow you to cross an item off your list, but it will also get you some exercise – that’s killing two birds with one stone! Bonus points: if you’ve raked a large pile of leaves, you can involve your family by having everyone jump in and maybe having an impromptu photoshoot too 😊

Dance, dance, dance.
What better way to get your body moving than to turn on your favourite playlist and have a dance party? Whether you’re dancing on your bed by yourself when you get a quiet moment in the house, or if you’re having a full-on dance-off with your friends or family, dancing is a great way to get moving and you’re guaranteed to have fun doing it!
Find out an indoor, at-home workout that’s right for you.
If your hometown is experiencing a colder fall season, finding a workout that you can complete in the comfort of your home can be ideal. There are tons of workouts that you can find online – either on YouTube, fitness apps or even on your fav social media platform. There are tons of great outlets that provide easy, effective workouts that you can do in the comfort of your own home.
Take up group classes at your local gym or studio.
Group classes are such a fun way to get moving year-round and they can even grow your friend group! Most gyms, big or small, offer group classes of all sorts. If you prefer a high-intensity workout, you can join a HIIT or CrossFit class. If you’re not-so-into those types of classes, you can try a yoga, pilates, or Zumba class.
Exercising and staying active doesn’t have to be difficult during fall, even if the climate is changing where you live. These are just some ideas that will keep you moving. For more ideas on how you can achieve your fitness goals and feel good inside (and out!), see more of our blogs here.
To your Balanced health,
The Balanced Company